About Me

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I am 36 years old and a mother of two beautiful little girls. Kevin and I have been married for 11 years. He is a stay-at-home dad who runs his own business from our home. I am a part-time 3rd grade teacher and have been teaching for 15 years. I live no more than 10 minutes away from my parents, in-laws, sisters, nieces, newest nephew, grandparents, aunts, and uncles... I wouldn't want it any other way!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Girl's Gotta Have Something To Wear

Katelyn and Kennedy LOVE to dress-up. Actually, I don't know of any little girls their age who don't have a passion for getting all prettied up. Somehow, our dress-up clothes and accessories have grown to an outrageous amount! But, I have to say, that they do play with every bit of it.

One corner of the playroom is dedicated to dress-up fun. Here are their dress-up drawers...filled with princess outfits, purses, magic wands, butterfly wings, every type and size tiara you can imagine, and various accessories.

Santa brought this adorable vanity to help keep their jewelry, hair dryer, brushes, and pretend make-up neatly stored. It is a fun place for the girls to sit and primp.

Check out this shoe collection!

And now,a look into their dress-up closet! Dresses for every Disney Princess, a wedding gown and veil, tutus galore, and many other fun dress-up clothes.

Hey, they're only young once. I am going to cherish it while I can!

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