About Me

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I am 36 years old and a mother of two beautiful little girls. Kevin and I have been married for 11 years. He is a stay-at-home dad who runs his own business from our home. I am a part-time 3rd grade teacher and have been teaching for 15 years. I live no more than 10 minutes away from my parents, in-laws, sisters, nieces, newest nephew, grandparents, aunts, and uncles... I wouldn't want it any other way!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Folly Beach with the Cousins

We spent a mini-spring break at Folly Beach with Uncle Mike, Aunt Tiffany, Jacob (4), Tommy (2), Aunt Tiffany's parents, Tom and Judy, and Gre and Papoo of course! Tiffany's parents graciously invited all of us to stay with them at their beach house in South Carolina.

It was so much fun spending time with everyone. We definitely do not get to see Mike, Tiffany, Jacob, and Tommy enough! Tom are Judy are awesome! They are so welcoming and make everyone feel just like family!

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to the beach I go. Kennedy was just skipping and jumping around like a little jester here. She was truly giddy.

Kevin...being the attentive daddy that he is

Oh my goodness, I love that little face!

Everyone just hanging out at the beach

Here is the "baby" of the group...Tommy

Kennedy would just giggle and giggle watching this boat float away with the tide.

A little grandfatherly advice for Jacob

Tom was always scouting out just the right shells for each of the kiddos

Look at those little wet panties...I love these next few pictures!

Katelyn looks way to grown-up in these next pictures. Where is my little girl? She is a definitely a beach LOVER!

A little girl time with Uncle Mike

The Nels cousins...Jacob, Tommy, Katelyn, & Kennedy

Kennedy and Jacob could be twins!

Jacob is so stinkin' cute!

Thanks for the fun guys, we miss you all already!


Samantha said...


Joey said...

I know...it wa sthe worst burn I have ever had!