About Me

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I am 36 years old and a mother of two beautiful little girls. Kevin and I have been married for 11 years. He is a stay-at-home dad who runs his own business from our home. I am a part-time 3rd grade teacher and have been teaching for 15 years. I live no more than 10 minutes away from my parents, in-laws, sisters, nieces, newest nephew, grandparents, aunts, and uncles... I wouldn't want it any other way!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Husband...My Best Friend

Today is Kevin's 35th birthday. Here are just a handful of the many things I love about this guy...

  1. The way he plays and interacts with our girls

  2. The boy can part hair, remember which pants/skirts go with which shirts, and most importantly...he can match hairbows to the correct outfits for our girls! Now that is quite the accomplishment for a dad

  3. He has participated in more than one tea party with the girls

  4. He takes care of all of us

  5. He is a stay-at-home dad who truly loves being home with the girls

  6. The way he thinks

  7. He is a problem-solver

  8. He is always positive...you know, the glass is half-full kind of guy

  9. He is able to calm my fears

  10. The way he loves us

  11. That he is my best friend
Happy 35th Birthday sweetheart! I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Happy Birthday, Kevin! I wish we were in Vegas gambling.